The xbox 36o prices have been droping serverly like the pro console and the arcade. I was wondering why it has droped and what this might mean?Does it mean that next year we might have a new kind of xbox?
I wanna know this because i am planning to get a pro console 360 at christmas time!
Madcypriot: It won’t mean a new type of xbox for anytime soon unless they cant compress anymore stuff into dvd’s then maybe but price drops are normal because it has been out for 3 years now so it has to drop beceause its sold to almost whoever is gonna buy it so the people who werent planning to spend that much can now afford to buy one too
same with ps3
Boonie: Christmas is coming, it’s all about competition.
greenrage787: Basically what their doing is sucking more people into buying a console and then spending 20 bucks a month for live. so no their not releasing a new console anytime soon except for Nintendo which is supposedly releasing a new type of hand held. Just imagine, your the owner of a huge company, in this case Xbox, what would you do to sell more?, drop the prices so more people will buy the console and spend money monthly and spend money alot of the time on points for buying things online.
panzafoust: I believe it has only dropped $ 100 in 3 YEARS. I wouldn’t expect a new xbox till late 2010-2011. The reason the price is dropping is because its gradually becoming cheaper to manufacture.
bballer24: Well it could mean a few things. One thing is that other systems are becoming more popular so they wanted it to be cheaper. Especially the Wii. Another thing is that they will still make a lot of money from the games because most are $ 60 anyway.Another reason might be that christmas is coming up so a lot of people will buy it. I also heard that Microsoft is coming out With a new gaming console It might be an xbox portable or an xbox 720. Check out this link.
Xbox 360 Kinect Bundle
I am looking to purchase an xbox 360 elite model. Right now they are $ 299. Is that price going to drop before Christmas or will it be at $ 299 for a good while?
I am asking if I should buy now or should I wait until the price drops.
Walter S: well the price just dropped to $ 299 a month or 2 ago so its gonna be the same for sometime. And gaming consoles never go on sale for black friday or any other holiday special. you might find some cheaper games or accessories around christmas but go ahead and buy the console now.
xx-Da-King-xx: Yes, there will be a price drop, because the Natal Xbox will be coming out soon.
PSPBreaker: Of course there will be temporary deals like on Black Friday and shortly before Christmas, but permanent deals between now and Christmas? Don’t see that happening, even with Project Natal unveiling itself.
DiscountDuck: PriceYeti ( has a watchlist that lets you track prices across different sites and notifies you if any of those prices drop. You should consider tracking XBox 360 Elite. I think I’ve seen one for less than $ 299 at least for a little bit. Prices online fluctuate a lot — you just need to keep a close eye on them.
I had a 360 a year ago, but I am buying a new one. Do I need Xbox Live to download all of my old DLC and old content? Like Castle Crashers and Alan Wake DLC? And if so, what are the prices for Xbox Live and the terms and years/months for each one?
Alex Hall: i dont know if this will help, but if u want your dlc and old content on your new xbox then you can just transfer your all of memory into your new. for that all u need is the xbox transfer cable
Fred: As long as you sign in and recover your gamertag, then you should be able to access your previously downloaded content without a gold membership. What you should do first, though, is hook up your new 360, recover the gamertag (which will then sign you in) and get on a computer and go to There you want to look for the license transfer (which will reassociate your licenses with the new 360), but this process requires you to have your system powered up and online. After you transfer the licenses (takes about 30 secs) then go to your downloads area and download anything you’ve previously purchased.
Getting this to work relies solely on your ability to recover your previous gamertag.
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