20 Reasons Why I Need a Macbook Pro
1.Macs are more reliable. In the past 8 months my computer has had to have the Os re-installed 4 times, 3 for hard drive problems and 1 for a virus. Mac's are very reliable machines according to consumer reports, and multiple reviews online such as C-net, Notebook reviews, Consumer reports, ECT. Mark the Mac book pro as a very good Computer, better than a PC.
2.Macs Run windows to! On a Macbook Pro I Can Run Windows as well as Mac OS X through Boot Camp. So in way I will get the best of both worlds I can run Mac OS X for internet and video editing and music editing, then I can run Windows Vista for Games, Office, and Windows Exclusive programs I might need.
3.I Know How to Use Macs. I can use a Mac much better than a PC. I was taught how to use them in elementary school. Right down to how to use all of the Mac office programs.
4.No Viruses! On Macs there are no viruses, which means that I can /surf the web with confidence my computer is safe.
5.If my Mac breaks no problem! With Apple care I can call Apple and my problem is fixed either by an apple expert helping me through it our by sending my computer to apple. Were as with a PC if it breaks Basically your screwed, first you have to find the problem, then call support then figure out how to fix it, then try do to do all of the things that you have no clue on how to do. No no no no with a Mac I call apple and since Macs are so simple with a description of my problem I have an answer.
6.A Mac Will Help Me in School. Last year I had 12 late or missing essays and research assignments because my computer was broken. On a Mac if it breaks I just send it to apple and in a few days I get a new computer for free. But it takes weeks to fix a PC.
7.They Last Forever!!!!!! On a Mac the Requirements to run software are very slim, the average life of a Mac is about 5 years compared to the 2 year life of a PC.
8.I can Use a Mac for Everything!!! Since Macs run Windows and Mac OS X there is no such thing as incompatible software.
9.You May Say at This Point "I am Convinced you need a Mac, But why a Macbook pro?" Well a Macbook pro is a notebook, which means I can use it anywhere. For example what if I have a huge report I have to do over the weekend but we are going to grandmas house, well I could take my Macbook pro and I could work on a report, and study for a test with a preloaded study guide.
10.I will get A's on my report Card. With a Mac there are no viruses and they are notably reliable so there is no excuse of my computer had a virus, or the "it was broken" excuse. A Macbook pro will help me excel in school and in extra activities I do such as movie making and video games and there is guitar learning software.
11.Since I will be using the computer I should get the computer I want to use. What you guys have to remember is that the next computer I'm going to get will be my computer, so in that case I should get the computer that I want to use, not the one that you want me to use.
12.If I get the Macbook pro I will have enough space on my desk to do other things. Such as homework, or work. Right now my desk is too crowded with CRT monitors to do work; well a laptop would take care of that.
13.There is a brand new update. An update came out on June 5th which means that I will get the most advanced technology now.
14.A Macbook pro is the most powerful notebook and most powerful Mac other than the Mac pro.
15.I have two lives. If I came home from school one day and I found my computer broken my dell, I would have to wait for dad to fix it. But with a Mac I can run Windows and OS X so if OS X dies I can use windows because it uses a separate portion of the hard drive, and vise versa.
16.Apple is the only company that makes the software and the hardware. On a Mac the software is made to use all of the advantages of the hardware. Were as on a PC the software is made to be used on 100 companies computers
17.All the programs I use and want to use are on Mac. I use iTunes and that's a program designed for Mac. I cant use iMovie, or Logic.
18.A new OS is about to be released. Leopard is about to be released, with many more features than tiger.
19.I can use .mac. .mac is a net based e-mail and web page publisher and internet storage. With many other features.
20.Macs just work. Macs are so simple a caveman can use them, they work so well, and they are so easy to use that you can use it to learn languages, or to learn how to play an instrument. They just work, were as with a PC needs to have lessons to learn how to use it.
With a Macbook pro I can just do everything and have everything work. Reasons 1-20 are the reasons I need a Macbook pro.
oh yeah and btw im not asking people about the classic mac or windows im asking if my list is good, dont answer if your gonna say something such as “buy a pc instead”
That sounds very convincing, I would definately go with it. Now to be 100% honest, at least half of the stuff you said is untrue, but hey who cares really, it sounded convincing so go for it. One thing I can think of is if you can weave in the whole argument about multimedia stuff like videos and photos, Macs are far superior in that regard. Again in reality that is total crap, but most people tend to believe it so go for it. Good luck!
give that to them, they will be impressed, then get a virus and put it on your windows pc
lol, you forgot to say that microsoft sucks and apple rocks!!
well, parents need ONE very good reason, and so far your list has not been THAT impressive, although it has a few good points. If you plan on giving your parents this list, don’t do it…..it’s kindda like beggin…for some odd reasons, when parents sense that you are begging, they get annoyed and don’t give you whatever. The best way to do this would be to talk with them during dinner and say something like: “Mom, dad, I have been working hard in school this past month, and you know that the computer I have now isn’t working that much for me. I think it would really benefit me if I can get Mac because……….. (remember , say this in the most adult way as possible)
Just buy a P.C. they are more popular. And if you’re smart they are just as reliable as a Mac. I’ve had a P.C. for over eight years and it works fine,OS is Windows 98. The problem is people don’t want to buy Ant-virus and other security programs. Also there are more things designed for P.C.s
Well if you want to lie to them. Only number 3 is true.
1. Macs are prone to failure and will crash. I know plenty of people who have had their mac crash more often than my windows pc. How many times has my PC crashed? Once, due to my memory gone bad. Not window’s fault. Problem solved in a few hours.
2. Sure, but not great.
3. Maybe you do.
4. Just because you haven’t gotten a virus doesn’t mean there aren’t any. Computers don’t delete files or crash themselves, it’s usually your fault. Years ago around OS 9 I wrote a simple program that killed any mac. Viruses are very easy to make for a mac. That’s why no one tries.
5. Apple screws just as many customers as any other company. They won’t cover a lot of things and they aren’t as reliable as you think. Most of the time you have to pay for something if not at least shipping cost.
6. Files don’t delete themselves. Computers don’t break themselves. I used to be a computer repair tech and fixed many systems. Almost every one had crashed or had problems I could fix in less than 3 days with all data recovered. They all had problems that came from viruses or downloaded programs that they shouldn’t have been installing. Stupid users are the biggest threat to PCs.
7. The average laptop lasts just as long as a macbook. You don’t have to upgrade to the new OS. I had my last laptop for over 5 years and it still works well. I’ve seen macs fail after less than a year. They are prone to the same problems.
8. They don’t run everything. Ok so you can run windows, but have you tried to run software on it? Even using IE is a pain. Oh and don’t even think about playing a game on it. It’s not compatible with everything. And should I mention Mac software is 3 times more expensive?
9. Why? Sure it’s a laptop but it’s a big 5lb laptop for two grand. You could buy a 1.5lb sony vaio for the same price and it’s even more portable with nearly the same power.
10. Having a mac doesn’t mean you’ll get As. You’re giving your parents ammo to take your macbook away if they buy you one and you fail. If your computer breaks, it’s probably your fault. If you knew you had something due you should have backed it up at school or maybe even printed it out.
11. If the next computer you’re going to get is going to be “your” computer, then why don’t you buy it with “your” money. That’s how parents look at things.
12. Your desk is crowded? Hmm, well you could get a laptop for half the price of a macbook with windows on it. That’s always an option.
13. The update was LED backlighting. That’s pretty much it. So you really aren’t getting much of anything over the prior model. Just a slightly nicer screen.
14. False. There are by far better windows based laptops out there. In fact there are ones that would rival high-end gaming desktops. Saying Macbook is that good is a flat out lie. I have seen laptops that can play HL2 at full resolution and edit HD video. Macbooks can’t.
15. If you’re using a dell, it’s no wonder it breaks. Maybe if you had a decent PC you wouldn’t have all these complaints. Go buy an HP.
16. Again, you’re using a dell. They use the cheapest parts. Things go wrong with Mac hardware and software. Just because they make both doesn’t mean things don’t go wrong. You just have to know how to match good hardware with windows. Dell doesn’t do that. Again, get an HP.
17. All those programs you use are on PC too. Actually PC has more powerful programs than mac. The system allows more power and expanse than mac is currently capable of. I’m a programmer and a pc builder, I also do HD filming and music editing. I do all this on a PC because the software tools are far superior to a mac. Avid editing software is the best, it’s for both mac and PC but functions better on PC. If you’re editing movies, you won’t get very good performance or write time on a macbook. iTunes isn’t a very good program. Windows Media Player is better by far.
18. Leopard has very minor changes. If you think Leopard is going to be this huge leap over Tiger then you haven’t been reading any of the press releases. It’s actually so minor the entire mac community had an uproar about it. It’s basically the same OS with some little enhancements you won’t notice.
19. I can use, well anything I want. .mac isn’t anything special. There are dozens of websites that offer free online storage in the gigs. Yahoo offers most of those services and even google is catching up with it.
20. I have a friend who works at the mac store. My friend told me people come in every day with a computer repair, most of them very simple. How could a caveman use a mac if none of the elderly can even use them. Most often elderly people return macs because they are too complicated. Mac isn’t as simple as you might think. It’s not created with linear thought in mind. Oh, and how exactly can you use a mac to learn languages or to play an instrument that you can’t do on a PC or with a book?
Lessons with a PC? Have you not heard about mac genius? Those people who’s job it is to help you learn how to use mac programs. Did you know they’ve made over a million dollars from that service? Macs aren’t easy enough to use if hundreds of thousands of purchasers need to go and ask how to use something.
Not saying macs aren’t nice. I just don’t like how people believe the blatant lies from the mac commercial. If you want a macbook pro, you’re going to need some factual reasons that can be backed by evidence. Most of that is hearsay.
why spend money on an macbook when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they’ll send you one!
Your 20-item list is impressive. If I were the average parent, I would say “Wow, you’ve done a lot of extensive research on the advantages of this product. Good job! But how much is it?”. Parents have to consider the price. In the realm of budgeting, you can only give them your cost estimate, they will be the ones to decide if the price is realistic and if it will be reasonable. Now, if I were an above-average parent, I would say “You know what, all these items prove your point, but they’re too much. This is too good to be true. I need to hear the truth about this computer’s disadvantages.” You see, convincing your parents doesn’t require an extensive list, unless they are the kind of parents who value quantity rather than quality of the reasons you give them. Be truthfull, don’t say that everything will improve,your studies,your talent,your skills,knowledge,etc. Don’t over-sell or hard-sell the idea of getting this MacBook Pro. Leave room for them to discover the facts by themselves. Just have the confidence that if this product is so good, when they research on it, they themselves will find out that its the better choice.
Lastly,I’d advice you to omit item #11.That’s pushing it too far. You’re supposed to be requesting something from your parents, not demanding something from them.
and toshiba portege m400 tablet
toshiba m700 tablet get Is this a good reliable laptop? I didn’t see it on consumer reports.org but my friend said the features are pretty good. I really don’t know much about lap top’s this would be my first one.I just wanted to get one for basic use like play some games, internet, typing up a report.
here is a link: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Sony+-+VAIO+Laptop+with+Intel%26%23174%3B+Core%26%23153%3B2+Duo+Processor+-+Silver/9700641.p?id=1218152418750&skuId=9700641
thanks in advanced
P.S if anyone can recommend anything better let me know
how about hp mini 110
its a good one…
There is nothing overly wrong about that laptop but if you want to play games you’re better off buying one with a dedicated graphics card.
As you like Sony I recommend you look at their FW range.
Hope this helps,
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